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Cycle Sisters Ride #7: Roadtrip to Pittsburgh

From August 25th to 28th, we are roadtripping to Pittsburgh, PA for the national meet-up for Black Girls Do Bike at the PedalPGH event. Join us for a weekend full of bike rides, pool parties, and socializing as we explore a new city together.

Take a look at the agenda:
- Thursday August 25th, 7am: Depart from Minneapolis
- Thursday August 25th, 10pm: Arrive in Pittsburgh, PA Air BNB
- Friday August 26th, 2pm-6pm: Pool Party/Luncheon/ Social National Meetup in Pittsburgh
- Saturday August 27th, 8:45am-12pm: Pittsburgh National Chapter Meetup Ride
- Sunday August 28th, 10am: Depart from Pittsburgh and return to Minneapolis

Tickets are $150 per person. Buy them at the Eventbrite link here. This covers registration fees for all of the weekend's events as well as the cost of the AirBnB. We will coordinate rides, bike racks, and an AirBnB for the Cycle Sisters.

MN Renewable Now’s Executive Director, Kristel Porter, started Cycle Sisters to show other BIPOC women that biking as a mode of transportation didn’t have to be something to be ashamed of, but instead, it could be stylish and cool. Check out our Facebook page for more updates and information on Cycle Sisters. Fill out this form to get regular updates on Cycle Sisters.

August 24

Energy Revolution Outreach & Celebration (Copy)

September 29

Own Your Power Mixer